Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

विधि संकाय में प्रवेष हेतु विषय

छत्तीसगढ़ शासन उच्च शिक्षा विभाग पंरविषंकर शुक्ल विश्वविद्यालय रायपुर (..) एवं बार काउसिल आॅफ इंडिया के अद्यतन षर्तो को पूर्ण करने वाले छात्र/छात्राएं एल.एल.बी.  ैमउउ 123456 में निम्न विषयों हेतु प्रवेष प्राप्त कर सकेंगे।

L.L.B. – Part-I Semester-I                                                       Semester-I     

(i) Jurisprudence & legal Theory                                (i) Law of Crimes (IPC)

(ii) Law of Contract and specific relief act 1963         (ii) Law of Crime II Criminal Procedure   Code,Juvenile Justice Act and

Protection of Offenders Act.

(iii) Specific contract, Indian Partnership ACt            (iii) Low Evidence.

1932 and Sales of Goods Act 1930  

(iv)Low of Torts including motor vehicle Act              (iv) Family Lows I        Hindu Law

And Consumer Protection Lows

(v) Legal and Constitutional History of India              (v) Family Lows I            Mohammedan Law


III Semester     (i) Constitutional Law-I

                        (ii) Constitutional Law-II

                        (iii) Administrative Law Right &to Information

                        (iv)Law of Equities and Indian Trust Act 1882

                        (v) Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting system (Practical)


IV Semester    (i) C.G. Land Revenue codes other & Local law

                        (ii) Environmental Law including wild life protection and Animal welfare

                        (iii) Labour & industrial Law-I

                        (iv) Labour & industrial Law-II

                        (v) Alternative dispute Resolution Practical’s


V Semester     (i) Company law

                        (ii) Public Internation 

                        (iii)  Interpretation of status

                        (iv) Human Right Law

                        (v) Drafting Pleading and converyancing Practicals


VI Semester    (i) Transfer of prospects Act & Easement Act.

                        (ii) Civil Procedure code and Limitation Act. 

                        (iii)  Law of Taxation

                        (iv) Intellectual Properts Law Information Technology Law

                        (v)  Moot Court Exercise and Internship (Practical)

प्रवेष हेतु उपलब्ध स्थान -

1.         एल.एल.बी भाग-1, सेमेस्टर - 1 - 80

2.         एल.एल.बी सेमेस्टर - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - पूर्ववर्ती कक्षा में उत्तीर्ण सभी पत्र छात्र/छात्रऐं